Friday, September 18, 2009

Online Salon Employment Agreements

single-subject research, this unknown

As an experimental methodology that is little known outside behavior analysis, but with a long and debated history to the experts, I have put together a short essay I had to write about.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome To Church Service 'sample'

Why is a pleasure to read intelligent

Lev Grossman the WSJ reminds us that the twentieth century has brought with him, in literature, modernism, the refusal of the simple plots and stories clean in favor of something described as complex, requiring the reader a constant effort to interpret (Joyce's Ulysses is the emblem).
But, says Grossman, this may not be the fashion phenomena like Twilight or Harry Potter are in that, the literature has to go back to marry the fiction, because readers looking for this.

Conversely They Have trained us, Pavlovianly, associated to a crisp, dynamic, exciting plot with supermarket fiction, and cheap thrills, and embarrassment. Plot Was The coward's way out, for people who can not deal with the real world. If you're HAVING too much fun, you're doing it wrong.